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this is how kids learn about climate change in peru

EduClima is an educational project where children in rural primary schools in Perú, understand the effects of climate change. The approach is mainly practical, in order that they can read the measurements and variations of temperature, rainfall and humidity. 


The most interesting thing about this method? They are using low-cost climatological stations installed in the schools to provide data and information in order that they can understand the atmosphere behavior.


How does this climatological station works? Look at this video


The classes are especially for children of 4th, 5th and 6th grade, 9, 10 and 11 years respectively. Rural areas have been chosen as these populations depend directly on natural resources, based their economy on agriculture and livestock. 

These children will be the farmers of the future. And for them, the future is a big challenge because they will not only have to produce more, but they will also have to face the effects of climate change.


Children are expected to understand the climate and its variations as a result of climate change. 

Through interacttive games and the observation they internalize knowledge and they understand from an early age how they, as humans, affect the changes in their crops and animals. 

All this data will enable them in the future to make better decisions to protect their fields.


The founder and promoter of this project is Henk Smeenk. He was born in Holand and is married to a Peruvian. He is an international business consultant and and admirer of the Peruvian culture. 

Eifilin Rios is a communicator and she is in charge of the project management of this project.

Educlima will initially be held in Peru in the department of Ancash. Because of its geographical location, it is a country highly vulnerable to these impacts. In the initial phase, it is estimated that the project will be implemented in 25 schools in the Santa River Basin, later in 100 schools in the region and in the final phase in 500 schools in the country.